Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Testing Testing 1 2 3

I have been keeping hand written travel journals my entire life and this is my first attempt at an online version. It's not that I don't enjoy the ease of typing, I rather perfer it. The fact of the matter is that paper journals are flexible, fit into most backpacks, and aren't public!

When I first heard about these "blog" things, I thought to myself, "Why would I wan't someone to read my journal?" I'd look at other peoples' blogs and become uncomfortable reading about their personal lives, like they were writing to Dear Diary. It almost felt like I was invading privacy. Through the years though, I've witnessed blogs evolve to be used for many different purposes.

My journal entries are private for a reason and they'll remain hand written the old fashioned way. What you will get here is a general overview of my travels abroad. More or less, I'm using this blog as an opportunity for friends, family, and anyone interested to easily follow me on this journey. Oh, right...almost forgot: I'll be in Thailand for a couple of years. No big deal.

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