Sunday, February 28, 2010

My last post

Tomorrow, I complete my service. Today, I write my last blog entry.

This final post is coming straight from my personal journal.

I'm traveling again. There are times in which I feel like the page has turned and a new chapter has started, or is about to start. This typically happens when I'm on the road and I'm waiting for a bus, a van, a train, a plane, a donkey, whatever. I feel the motions that constitute a change of pace or scenery or life. I look out across the road, tracks, tarmac, trail after getting dropped off by the last person I'll interact with for that chapter and feel a sense of accomplishment. I'm growing. Every time I feel like this, it is essentially moving on once again. There's always something ahead. The next chapter is on the horizon and that's what helps me feel like I do. The feeling is often sadness combined with joy. I am sad to be moving on from the past and my experiences within that chapter but I'm also joyful to be able to experience the future that will await me once I get in that van, climb onto that bus, sit on that plane, saddle that donkey.

Thanks for following my blog.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Next two months

Because I suck so much at keeping people updated here, I figure why not talk about the future like some time traveling philosopher. So now, let me take you on a journey into...the year 2010!

Tomorrow, I have a job interview at the International School of Bangkok for a full time substitute teaching position, starting Fall 2010. I'm also currently waiting for my application to be processed at Michigan State, where I would start Fall 2010. Do you see a conflict of interest, or is it just me? I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

At the end of February, I get to hang out with the new volunteers who just arrived to take our place (group 122) and feed them all sorts of lies and propaganda, filling their heads with nonsense. No, that's not true. I'm going to be honest with them and give them as much encouragement as I can without losing the true value of experiencing Peace Corps Thailand. They gotta know it's rewarding when their counterparts are finally able to complete a lesson on their own but that they'll still answer their cell phone no matter when it rings. I will be at their pre-service training for about a week, so it should be a productive little stint.

Thennnnnnn, I COS. March 3rd, I'm officially not a Peace Corps volunteer anymore. I'll be around, ya know, just sort of hangin' out 'til May 1st when I fly to Europe.

How's this for tearing the fabric of space-time: I will be in Chicago, USA on May 14th. You may be asking yourself, "How can Tony see into the future?" Well, for anyone who is reading this, I only have one thing to say: wikipedia.

Ohhhh Thailand, you rice farming country you.