Sunday, February 28, 2010

My last post

Tomorrow, I complete my service. Today, I write my last blog entry.

This final post is coming straight from my personal journal.

I'm traveling again. There are times in which I feel like the page has turned and a new chapter has started, or is about to start. This typically happens when I'm on the road and I'm waiting for a bus, a van, a train, a plane, a donkey, whatever. I feel the motions that constitute a change of pace or scenery or life. I look out across the road, tracks, tarmac, trail after getting dropped off by the last person I'll interact with for that chapter and feel a sense of accomplishment. I'm growing. Every time I feel like this, it is essentially moving on once again. There's always something ahead. The next chapter is on the horizon and that's what helps me feel like I do. The feeling is often sadness combined with joy. I am sad to be moving on from the past and my experiences within that chapter but I'm also joyful to be able to experience the future that will await me once I get in that van, climb onto that bus, sit on that plane, saddle that donkey.

Thanks for following my blog.

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