How big is your village, in population or physical size?
- I actually live right between two villages and so there are two parts to this answer. One village is 4 blocks and the other is about 7. As far as numbers of people, I really have no idea but I would guess no more than a couple hundred total.
Besides the market (which sounds great—can’t wait to hear more!), are there other things to do there? Places of interest—temples, historical sites.
- The best way to answer this question is by simply saying, of course there are things to do, I'm in Thailand! There hasn't been one day at site so far where I've felt bored. It's difficult to explain but there's always something going on, whether it be in my village, in a neighboring village, or in Ampur Kemmarat. Thai's must always have "sanook" (fun). I have three temples within a couple of kilometers, which I can mosey around if I want too.
And what things do you find at the market? Everything under the sun?
- The market in my village is actually fairly small. You can pick up fresh produce and meat, shirts and pants, or household supplies. Other than that, it doesn't really compare to other large markets around Thailand.
Are there other Americans or Brits there who speak English or are you pretty isolated?
- I'm here getting stared at by myself.
Are there cars in your village or is it mostly transport by animal and on foot?
- It's hard for me not to smile when I read this question, but I know it's one of curiosity. Thailand is a "developing" country and has pretty much all the ammenaties us Westerners have. Even in rural areas, you'll get grandmas with cheeky hip ringtones on their cell phones, or grandpas driving brand new Toyota Tacoma pickup trucks.
Is it an agricultural area and what is grown—rice? Other things?
- This area is known for "naa rai" which roughly translates to "ground agriculture." It's very dry and so not much rice is grown like there is in the central plain of Thailand. You get green beans, chillies, peanuts, onions, and the like that doesn't need much water and grows in silty riverbed soil.
If the Mekong is near, have you been to it? Is it a big, wide river? Clean? Does it have beachy shores or jungle-y ones? Do people use it for bathing and washing like in some parts of the world?
- I can safely say, I live on the Mekong. I swim in it when the neighborhood kids want to go down to cool off. It's not very wide where I live, but I've seen it in other areas and it can get extremely wide. Let's just say, the water is brown, but that doesn't bother me because if Thai's do something (like swim in a brown river) I do the same thing. I figure if they're not getting sick, either am I. The shore is a beach and just this last week was Songkran festival, the biggest waterfight in the world, and the beach near my village was completely turned into a sports field. I was on my village's soccer team and we kicked balls, footballs.
You’re able to get and transmit email—do you have electricity or generators? Wifi or hardwire internet connections?
- My school has interenet access on one computer through hardwire. The whole of Thailand, from what I've observed, has a very good electricity infrastructure. I haven't been to a house that hasn't had electricity.
How many other “comforts” do you have? Flush toilet? Running water?
- I have a squat toilet and a bucket shower, but I also have running water. I have a TV to use it as a study tool for learning Thai. The only channels I get in English are National Geographic Wild and Russia News Today. Finally, the kicker, I used some of my moving in allowance to buy a washing machine. It's the one thing I wanted to splurge on.
Have you had a chance to explore the countryside around your village, and what is it like—big and empty and flat, hilly or jungle-y, lush and/or lots of fields…?
- The land is very dry with rolling hills and thick forests. You don't really do much in the woods beacuse 1. It's so hot 2. There's nowhere to go 3. It's filled with dangers.
In your village, do you have a place of your own or do you share it with others?
- I rent a house to myself. It's some pretty sweet digs I'd say. I'd be happy to have it in the states!
What ages are your students learning English?
- My kids are elementry school students.
Do they know some English or are they starting from scratch? Are they eager to learn?
- I haven't started teaching yet, but from what I've observed in my community so far, English is limited to, "Hello!"
Do you have other teachers where you teach and what do they teach?
- My school has teachers that teach the same subjects as American school teachers teach. Arts, sciences, histories, language, etc.
Are they all Thais?
- Either Thai or Lao I suppose.
How are Thai schools different from our schools?
- Thai schools are much more laid back because...relax, don't be so serious, you're in Thailand!
Are there local officials or village leaders that you see or deal with on a regular basis?
- You got it. In each villages there's an appointed village headman called the "Pu-yai-bahn." He's the man with the plan. I know the pu-yai-bahn's in each of the villages I live between very well and they are both great guys.
Well, that's all. I enjoyed that, so if you've got more or want me to build on what was said, keep 'em comin. Here's a few pictures from my last days as a trainee. Now that I'm a volunteer, I'll have plenty of photo opportunities.
This one is pretty self explanitory I think.
My younger sister is what Thai's would call "naa-rak."
Our group standing proud at swearing in.
My last supper with my host family.

1 comment:
Good answers to a lot of good questions! Dad and I learned a bunch too and it makes us even more anxious to come!
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