A long long time ago, I decided I wanted to join the Peace Corps after I finished college. It was a decision I made that would determine which paths in my young life I was to take. It would be years before I could complete my goal but the paths happened to be very straight and flat. I finished high school, entered college, finished college, joined the Peace Corps, and now here I am with less than one year left in my service. Everything that was placed in front of me while on each path had been easy to pass. I was preparing myself for that one ultimate goal, the Peace Corps, and I knew exactly what I had to do to complete it.
It's looking like I am going to finish my service successfully, which begs the question, now what? Even though I have 11 months left, "Now what?" is becoming a real part of my future. A long long time ago, I decided I wanted to join the Peace Corps, and then...I couldn't say. I drew a blank if I tried to plan for my future after my service, like someone who knows nothing about quantum mechanics pondering theoretical physics. I hit a wall and as a result, couldn't think of one good option.
How could I have been so irresponsible? How could I care so little about my future to just brush my inability to plan my life aside? How could I ignore the fact that I wasn't sure of anything after Peace Corps? But hey, back up, back up. These questions are valid enough to be asked but it wasn't like as though I never had something in the works. The truth is, after I was unable to decide during college where I would go after Peace Corps, I told myself the decision would be made within those two years of service. I did have a plan, even if it wasn't planned, and it worked.
The decision I've made for once I complete my service is to work at an international school in Bangkok and I'm going to pursue it passionately. I can say with no hesitation that I like Thailand. I know the people, I eat the food, and I speak the language. I'm comfortable here, almost as comfortable as I am in Michigan. Positions will open up starting in October and I will begin applying immediately. My decision was not made in haste. I've been thinking about where I want to live and how I want to live for over a year now. Bangkok is a big city with a few drawbacks, but for each drawback, it has something I like. International schools are popular in Bangkok and I'm hoping at least a few positions open up. Even though I was unable to plan for my life after Peace Corps, I was certain I'd figure something out.
What's my future look like now? It's time to eat rice.